i started sleeping right after dinner for some reason. probably around 7.30pm.
i woke up at 3.00am to my drunken roommates. i went back to sleep at 4.00am.
i woke up again at 9.00am to a phone call. i went back to sleep.
i woke up and went back to sleep at 10am. when i finally got up, it was already 11.30am.
so, in short, i spent about 15 hours in bed. now that's never happened before.
as for school work in general, i'm getting myself killed over it. i'm not too sure what i should do but i know i gotta do something to keep myself from getting distracted. no more cod, no more watching anime reading manga. well, at least not more than one at a time.
which brings me to another point. i seem to get myself into serious distractions whenever i'm stressed and it stresses me out more. i don't know why! during finals week, i watched winter sonata, all twenty-five episodes, in that week alone! that's a full day just spent in front of a computer screen, within a single week! and today i reread almost the entire ubel blatt manga series just for the heck of it! (which is a really great manga, if you get the chance to read it)
i realize now that i need to spend a lot of time in prayer. that's something i haven't done lately, and i can feel a certain toll mentally. being in constant communication with God really keeps one healthy, and with all the time i waste, i know i can definitely invest it in something greater.