Friday, October 15, 2010

study mode

my world has gone back into hardcore study mode.
sighs. not again. just what i didn't want for this quarter.

oh well. work life has turned around for the better. not like the hectic mess i was in last quarter. having a full-time staff around has made life so, so much easier. these last three weeks, i've only been doing like a third or a quarter of what i used to do--simply because my fellow co-workers are actually doing what they're supposed to do. i had to do so much to fill in for our team's incompetency and lack of a system that i almost felt as though i was giving up my time to provide for my co-workers wages. no wonder i felt like giving up. no wonder i felt like quitting.

ochem is killer. ochem is more intense than any other class i've taken at ucsd. true, i like the professor's lucid lectures, but the process of becoming the elite erudite is really beginning to take a toll on me. it's definitely amounting to two class's worth of time at the very least.

public health, on the other hand, is so incredibly lax that the midterm's going to be incredibly enigmatic. i'm so ill-prepared and unsure as to whether i can really pull off a good enough exam score--sleeping through class and reading close to nothing. i have three days to read eleven chapters.

to add to the pressure, both of these class's midterms will fall on tuesday.

it's stressful times like these that God reminds me how much He wants me to trust Him. always. every time. Jesus, i need You. i need You more than ever.

1 comment:

  1. 2 hours after each lecture seems to be the minimum recommended study dose for ochem. Hope you have a somewhat reduced course load - it requires constant feeding with doing problems. Do you have a study partner?
