Sorry blog.
Briefly a schedule of activities:
Wake 10am. That's actually the latest I've slept in all week. I was quite tired from sleeping late though.
11am-12:30pm ochem lecture. Oh fun stuff.
1.30-5.30pm today was really one of the most unproductive days ever in terms of studying. I spent the entire duration blogging and reading the news today (I didn't even sleep!).
7pm "new years dinner" with homegroup. My roommate and I ended up eating Subway though ahaha. Well, they do have Subways in China.
8-10pm "gospel night" with CCM. I put it in quotes because there wasn't really all that much gospel involved. I was more of an evolution vs. creation/intelligent design lecture. The professor from UK was very knowledgeable and scientific with his points. It wasn't really a friendly lecture to non-science majors though; I wasn't even sure if I could keep up if I weren't taking biochemistry this quarter.
10.30-11.30pm racquetball! This marks the first time I've played racquetball, which is surprisingly similar to tennis (and therefore relatively easy for me to learn). I takes a lot more running and reflexes though. Ah, so fun and tiring. Makes me really really miss playing tennis.
Well, that's it for now.
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