Saturday, April 30, 2011

end of the line

ahhhh i can't believe it!

two years ago, ucla rejected me. now i have the chance to reject ucla.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


i've been thinking over and over again,
but the outcome is still the same.

there's very little reason for me to stay here.
for one, if i leave, i wipe my record clean.
that's enough incentive for me to start over.

i've already had three marks, and only one would even carry over.
i can't afford to get into any more trouble.
start anew.

i mentioned the probably is likely 50-25-25,
but it's more like 60-40. i can't stay here.

it's time to leave.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

more jury duty


last time i got away from doing jury duty at the superior court of california, county of san diego,
but today i've discovered i've been summoned to united states district court, southern district of california. that's another step up.........

blehhhhh i found it in my mailbox this morning.. it was supposed to be mailed back in ten days, but it's been sitting in my mailbox for more than a month now. came just before spring break, didn't check first week, got into accident second week, and now it's already third week.

why am i so unfortunate!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

unproductive again

HAHA how ironic that i had to write that last post.

well, it's been five days since the bicycle accident, and i've done nothing but sit at home waiting for recovery to happen. just been mostly facebook lurking and watching modern family all day. i probably should've been blogging more since i have time, but somehow i'm really, really good at making my days go by unproductively. which reminds me, whenever i have anything eventful to write about, it never goes onto my blog--but onto my facebook. huh.

as i said before, it's not much of a journal, but a place to put out thoughts i don't want to make entirely public. that usually goes to facebook in a more formal fashion; less strange phrasing that i tend to style. <--just like that.

the most entertaining part of the first three days i've been at home have been the facebook comments, calls and chats i've been getting from various people about the incident. i've gotten a lot of messages even from people i don't communicate with regularly (those are definitely by far the most significant; not all comments are made equal). i had a conversation with my cousin in taiwan over facebook chat, which made me really happy. i mean, there was a huge language barrier last time i went over to taiwan, but now i've found out that her english writing skills are actually really good. heh... talking to her reminded me of how much i want to go visit taiwan again.

sighs. i have so much to make up at school though. there's a lot to do this quarter.

Monday, April 4, 2011

work time

I haven't had any time at all to blog recently!

I guess you could say I'm getting ready for a highly productive quarter, as opposed to last quarter. My grades suck, but it doesn't hurt nearly as much as fall quarter cause I totally deserve it. (yeahhh winter quarter was full of ups and downs, with significantly more downs)

Whelps, time to program!
system.out.println("hello world!");

Saturday, April 2, 2011

losing all sanity


I have come to a new revelation: I am a masochist. I must be one, for I love to torture myself so. Why else in the world would I switch into bioinformatics, the most ridiculously difficult major on campus?
I hate working hard. My grades are dying. I have no friends. I have no life.
And for some odd reason, I've now extended my time here at UCSD by more than a year, with insanely difficult coursework.

I must be going insane.